ECE Dept Events

Latest Events

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Events organized By Department of ECE

Industrial Visits Doordarshan Kendra Dr.NTTPS
List of Internships 15 – 16 16-17 17-18 18-19
List of Summer Training Camps 16-17
List of Academic Activities 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18
A workshop on MATLAb Applications

A workshop on MATLAb Applications

ECE Student Association Activities

FDP on Cutom IC Design and ASIC Implementation using CADENCE EDA Tools

FDP on Cutom IC Design adn ASIC Implementation using CADENCE EDA Tools-1

HAM Radio Introduction

Gust Lecture on Electronic Warfare technologies

PSK Research Foundation

Students Presenting Their models in DHANUSH

Visit to PSK-VLSI Research Center

Workshop on PCB Designing for II Year Students

Guest Lecture on Automatic Speech Recognition

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